Payments for Come Bet with Odds on the 5 & 9

1 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Easy
2 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Easy
3 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Easy/Med
4 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Med
5 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Med/Hard
6 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Hard
7 / 7
Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9 - Hard

Come Bet Odds Payments - Easy
Come Bet Odds Payments - Easy
Come Bet Odds Payments - Easy/Med
Come Bet Odds Payments - Med
Come Bet Odds Payments - Med/Hard
Come Bet Odds Payments - Hard
Come Bet Odds Payments - Hard

Practice Come Bet with Odds Payments 5 & 9

60 cutout cards meant to practice payments for Come Bet with Odds when the Point is 5 or 9. Bets range from $5 up to $1,000 with Odds. You can cover the answer with your thumb, fold it over, or cut it off.

The Cards are broken into three difficulties:

  • 20 Easy
  • 20 Medium
  • 20 Hard
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