Learn How to Play Craps

Craps is a casino table game involving a tub shaped table and dice.

Learning Craps will make playing table games at a casino much more exciting.

Craps is easy to learn.

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The Guide

Since Craps is a very large game it would be easier to break the game down into smaller portions.

If you would like to learn it all you can start with the button above or here.

If you press the Previous or Next buttons you will follow the side navigation up and down.

If you press the Previous or Next buttons you will follow the navigation in the dropdown menu up and down.

Visit Specific Bet Types

You can view the home page of bet types to get an overview of each section.


Below is a set of paths you can follow as a guide to learning only what you need to know.

If you decide to follow a path then you should follow the path navigation as shown below to continue down the path.

Example Craps Path
Example photo of the path section on a different page of the website.

Paths are quick guides that skip pages all around the website and are geared towards pulling the most common pages in each section without making you read everything in that section.

You can always use the menu to access any specific bet on the Craps table that may not be down a Path.

Path 1

The Basics Path

If you are pretty much clueless to what craps is, you should start here.

Path 2

Start Playing Path

A solid foundation so you can walk up to a Craps table and start playing.

Path 3

Proposition Basics Path

Learn about the most common Proposition bets in the middle of the table and the one that is not.

Path 4

Advanced Betting Path

After the basics, you graduate to Come bets and advanced Place Bet betting.

Path 5

Don't Betting

After you've learned how to bet with the table, you learn to bet against it.