Max Odds on the Pass Line
Odds on the Pass Line have no house advantage. For this reason, casinos put a limit on the amount you can add as odds. The limit changes from casino to casino but is based on the amount of your Pass Line bet.

What Are 1x Odds in Craps?
1x Odds is when you can bet the same amount in Odds as you have on the Pass Line. This is the bottom of the barrel in terms of what a casino will allow you to bet but it is still a good bet with a low house advantage.

What Are Double (2x) Odds in Craps?
Double Odds are when you can bet twice your Pass Line bet. While not the best, I've seen a lot of players go all night without ever having bet more than double their Pass Line bet. If you don't plan on spending a lot at the Craps table, double odds should be good for you.

What Are 3x 4x 5x Odds in Craps?
3-4-5 is standard in many casinos. This means the max odds that you can bet on the Pass Line are 3x (your Pass Line bet) on the 4 and 10, 4x (your Pass Line bet) on the 5 and 9, and 5x (your Pass Line bet) on the 6 and 8.
No matter what Point is, if it has Max Odds using 3x 4x 5x, the total payout is going to be 7x your Pass Line Bet. E.g., if you have a Pass Line bet of $5, the total payout of the Odds and the Pass Line is going to be $35 (7 x $5).
3x Odds on Points 4 and 10
Max Odds on the 4 and 10 are 3 times the Pass Line bet. A $25 Pass Line bet on the 4 and 10 would allow $75 Odds. The payment would be 7 times the Pass Line bet (7 x $25) or $175. You win $150 on your $75 Odds (2:1) and the $25 for the Pass Line totaling $175.

Max Odds Payment Calculator for 3x4x5x Odds
Check the total payment for a Pass Line with Max Odds when the table has 3x4x5x Odds.
What Are 5x Odds in Craps?
5x Odds are when you can bet five times your Pass Line bet as Odds. This is also another common maximum amount for Odds at casinos. Maxing 5x Odds is still expensive so don't be deterred if you see it. If you wan't to bet more, you can always add more to your Pass Line bet.

What Are 10x Odds in Craps?
10x Odds are when you can bet 10x your Pass Line bet as Odds. This is amazing but expensive. On a $5 game it's sustainable but when you start 10x maxing Odds on $15 or $25 games, you can drop thousands in minutes. It becomes scary to cut that house edge down real low.

What Are 100x Odds in Craps?
100x Odds in Craps is when you can bet 100 times your Pass Line bet as Odds. This is crazy and I don't even know where you would find these games. Vegas? You're gonna need a serious bankroll if you want to keep up with those Odds.